Yangtze Delta Fireball Cultured Pearls and Healer’s Gold Necklace with Tourmaline Chakra Stone Pendant
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Detail: Yangtze Delta Fireball natural color cultured pearls alternated with 6 mm faceted healer’s gold, with 50 mm tourmaline pendant with inlaid semi-precious gemstones representing the seven chakras (red garnet, root; carnelian, sacral; citrine, solar plexus; peridot, heart; throat, aquamarine, third eye, sapphire; crown, amethyst); vermeil clasp, 30.”
Pearls symbolize purity and represent wisdom gained through experience; they bring focus to the mind and are centering and calming. Healer’s gold is a combination of pyrite and magnetite; connects to all chakras, emits a powerful, positive and grounding energy. Brings balance to one’s being, encourages confidence. Tourmaline is known for positivity, and for neutralizing fear and anger.